Sacral Chakra, Healing Through Your Chakras and Sexuality
Sacral Chakra
The Sacral Chakra is associated with the area of your abdomen just below the navel. Reflecting the testical and ovary glands, also the large intestines, spleen and bladder. The Sacral Chakra is often shown as the six petaled lotus and through the color Orange. Common stones used for Sacral Chakra healing are: Goldstone, Carnelian, Fire Opal, and Orange Calcite.
How do I know my Sacral Chakra is blocked?
A blocked Sacral Chakra often manifests itself as pain in the digestive system or complications with our reproductive organs.
What challenges am I faced with having a blocked Sacral Chakra?
There are two distinctive challenges when dealing with a blocked Sacral Chakra. The first being, difficulty accepting your emotions. It is important to remember all feelings are valid and the key is to allow yourself to feel every emotion. The feeling will pass once we can accept and find a solution, we can then move on from that emotion. The biggest difficulty is sexuality when we are dealing with the Sacral Chakra. Owning the phrase "I want..," can change your life for the better. Difficulty with sexuality arises when we no longer know what we want, difficulty with emotions is stirred up by the same circumstances.
How can I exercise my Sacral Chakra?
The first place you should always start is meditation. Practicing color meditation is very beneficial and Yoga.
Listed below are chants that will guide you through your meditation:
"My emotions help guide my healthy choices."
"I am able to share my feelings with others."
"I am comfortable in my sexuality."
Tone: D
Sound: Vam
*Reflection Question*
"In what ways do you express your sexuality?
It has always been hard for me to express my sexuality. I did not come from a place where I was comfortable showing it or acknowledging it. I was sexually abused by my Step-father through my pubescent years and hid it for so long. I wanted to hide inside myself and never show another living being that I was becoming a woman. It wasn't until I had my second child at 24 that I finally felt like a woman and comfortable to show it. I felt so good about myself, something about giving birth to a child really makes you feel like a Goddess. I felt more comfortable in my femininity and wanted to show it through my clothing. I wore dresses again, I wore colors again, I even stopped wearing a bra. The one thing that makes the most impact is truly practicing the term "I want..." I began to use this phrase again in bed with my partner, there is nothing sexier than a woman who knows what she wants. So for all you women out there I challenge you to use this phrase with your lover and you will be surprised with the results.
Thank you for reading,
be sure to subscribe to follow my journey of healing through the wheel of the year.
xoxo ~ Monique
Lazic, Tiffany. The Great Work: Self-Knowledge and Healing through the Wheel of the Year. Llewellyn Publications, 2015.
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