The Great Work #8

Live A Life You're Not Ashamed Of

What thoughts or experiences still bring up shame for you?

To sum it up for this question I would have to answer it by saying, I am ashamed of how much approval I needed from other people to make decisions in my life. Or how much approval I needed to be happy. I naturally care about other people, but then it often got me sucked into their negativity. Also naturally being a people pleaser, if they weren't happy I would take it upon myself to make sure they were. Sacrificing my own happiness.
Then one day, during my journey through The Great Work, I woke up! I asked myself, what do I want, what makes me happy? One tip that finally stuck in my head, 7 years later something my husband told me when we were younger, stop caring what other people think, say, or do!
Thats what I am most ashamed of, not listening to him after all this time...
He was already living the most fundamental part of a happy life, not caring what others have to say, but doing what your heart says is right. Everyone's life is unique, do what makes you happy, ignore the negativity, vent to the right people, and make decisions based on your own (or families) happiness!

Share your own experiences with me, I'd love to hear!

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