The Great Work #3

This Post brings me to a special day for me and my husband. For all you other believers of signs from nature and the universe I hope this helps you in your journey of self discovery or reconnecting with your partner.

*Reflect on a time in your life when you got away and left all regular cares behind*

In the beginning of March me and my Husband were feeling lost, there was so much going on in our lives, so many decisions we had to make, where do we even begin? I had been really sick one day and my husband decided enough is enough with all the stress, he told me I needed to take a day off from work! So he took me to our favorite park, we sat there on the cool rocks soaking up the morning sun. We hadn't felt this relaxed in a long time. I told him I feel like we are about to experience something life changing, he asked, "like what, it's almost like your waiting to see something?"
He asked me this because I was looking around, searching for what I felt...
Then the sign came...
He followed me down the path to the creek and I said, "look, there it is!"
It was a duck pair, a couple if you will. They were swimming in the creek. This was the first time in the 3 years that my husband and i lived in the area that we saw anything else but bugs and typical birds. We watched them for a bit, curious where they came from, where they were headed and what this sign meant for us.

According to witchipedia, Ducks are a symbol of love, fidelity, and when you see them in water it is a sign of an ideal marriage.

After I could snap a clear picture of the ducks we went straight to our favorite occult store and read every book we could find on animal imagery. They all said the same, this direction we are headed in our life is the right decision, its time we take ahold of our lives, our relationship and make it what we want! This was also during the time my husband came up with the idea to move to Oklahoma City.

That day was the perfect day, and I look forward to spending more days like that with my husband and children. 

Share your experiences with me, or your totem for your marriage or relationship. I'd love to hear them!


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